Seven Health Dangers of Feeding Baby Formula

There is much to understand as a new mother. You’ll be swamped with advice from friends and family about every aspect of your baby’s life. Some of it will be helpful, but some might not be based on science or reality, and that’s okay. When it comes to formula-feeding your kid, though, there are certain factors you should be aware of before diving in headfirst.
It’s Not Nutritious
Did you know just 48% of infants aged 1 to 5 months are exclusively breastfed across the globe? It’s a sad but true statistic and one that’s not going away any time soon. The WHO advises breastfeeding the newborn for at least half a year.
It’s important to note here that “exclusive” means no formula or other food or drink besides breast milk, not even water. Breast milk supplies all of the nourishment your infant requires. It’s also less complex to digest than formula.
Most importantly, it contains antibodies that protect against infections because bacteria don’t grow in human bodies and includes the right balance of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.
It Triggers NEC
A baby born prematurely or at a low birth weight has a higher chance of developing NEC. NEC can be fatal, with 57% infant mortality rate if not treated quickly and adequately.
It can also lead to grave consequences, such as overall impaired maturation. This may result in lifelong learning difficulties and delayed social skills like speech and language development.
You may have heard about a baby formula case filed at the makers. The one alleges that manufacturers failed to adequately warn parents about this dangerous health risk associated with using their products.
Are you among the unfortunate parents whose baby suffered NEC from cow’s milk-based formula? Then we’d suggest filing an baby formula NEC lawsuit. That’s because it’s the manufacturer’s responsibility to communicate the ingredients in formula and its dangers as well.
Filing the case would help you win compensation. This will help you finance or compensate for your child’s NEC treatment and medications.
It Causes Digestive Problems
The formula may cause your baby to develop digestive problems. It can lead to constipation and diarrhea, leading to stomach pain. Babies with reflux are most likely to suffer from this problem, as babies cannot control their sphincters well enough.
By the age of two months, around 70%–85% of babies suffer daily vomiting attacks due to reflux.
However, suppose you notice that your baby’s vomit has recently changed in color or consistency. In that case, you should consider seeking medical advice immediately, as this could be a sign of something more severe like pyloric stenosis or necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).
It Increases Obesity Risk
Childhood obesity has been rising since. In 2019, 19.7% of children aged 2 to 19 were obese. Formula feeding can be the reason for such weight problems among infants. This may be due to the formula’s high sugar content and other additives that can negatively impact weight gain in young children.
While breastfeeding does not guarantee your child will never become overweight or obese, it does help prevent it. As a parent, you must encourage healthy growth and development in your baby’s life beyond just bottle-feeding them with formula.
It Inflicts Ear Infections
Ear infections are another common problem among formula-fed babies. Breastfed babies have fewer ear infections because breast milk is less acidic than formula and contains more immune factors that help protect against infection.
It’s not just the ingredients in the bottle that can cause problems; it’s also how you store your baby’s food and how long it sits out before you feed it to your baby. Keeping homemade formula at room temperature for too long can allow bacteria to grow, which may lead to an infection in your child’s ears or throat.
It Makes the Baby Prone to Allergies
Breast milk carries immunological responses that protect neonates from diseases such as respiratory infections and gastric disorders. Because the formula lacks these antibodies, it may raise your child’s risk of developing allergies later in life.
Studies have shown that formula-fed infants are more likely to develop eczema than their breastfed counterparts, but researchers aren’t exactly sure why this is the case. They suspect it’s because most infant formulae include cow’s milk enzymes, which can trigger inflammatory reactions. Or perhaps because formula-fed babies don’t get enough vitamin D from their diet, which helps maintain healthy skin.
Eczema affects around 25% of people, with 60% diagnosed within a year after birth. To minimize the risk of such allergies, be cautious with your child’s diet and avoid feeding formula.
It Makes the Baby Susceptible to Type 2 Diabetes
There is a strong association between formula feeding and the risk of type 2 diabetes, especially in infants younger than 6 months. According to one study, babies who were only fed formula were 11 times more vulnerable as adults to suffer type 2 diabetes than those who were weaned for at least 7 months.
The link between type 2 diabetes and bottle feeding is due to the high amount of sugar in the formula as opposed to breast milk. Infants fed infant formula consume an average of 48 grams of sugar daily, more than half their recommended daily caloric intake.
This can result in diabetes, in which your body’s cells grow intolerant to insulin. This can eventually develop into diabetes mellitus, which doubles the danger of cardiovascular disease, bleeding, high blood pressure, and obesity later in life.
When you choose to feed your baby formula, it’s essential to take extra care. The dangers of feeding baby formula can be scary, but there are some things you can do to keep your little one safe from harm.
Talk with your doctor or pediatrician about what formula is best for your baby, and follow their advice closely once you’ve chosen a brand. If there are any concerns relating to nourishing your kid, please see your child’s pediatrics.

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